
Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween decisions

I bought 3 costumes for Cole, but only 2 fit. I couldn't decide between The Hulk or Tweedle Dee (AKA Fat Boy from Alice in Wonderland:) Both so fitting for my big boy!! I decided it would be easier to explain the Hulk than why mommy dressed him up as a Fat Boy. But before I returned the costume...I had to take some pictures of him in it because they were too cute not to.

I love getting the side eye

And now for The Hulk. He was kind of done by the time I put this costume on him.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Leaf Fun

I got some pictures of Cole and my nieces and nephew in the leaves. The lighting was hit or miss, so some pictures the sun was shining in their eyes, others in was perfectly behind the clouds.

There are too many shadows on this picture. What's the best way to get rid of this in photoshop?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Let's get this started

I decided I have so many pictures I want to share that I would start a photoblog. I am sure I will use a lot of the same photos from that blog on here, but I want to work on my photography. I've never taken classes, but worked with a few photographers and picked up things here and there. I love taking pictures. They may not be the best, but there is almost always meaning behind them. My goal is to take pictures each day (probably mostly of Cole:) and watch my progress in photography!! Help me out and give me tips on how to make my pictures better or what you like about them!! My first picture is one I recently took and is one of my favorite pics of him! What do you think?